Motijheel, Gobindoganj

Motijheel of Gobindoganj, Bangladesh

Gobindoganj is a one of the Upazilla of Bangladesh. It's under Gaibandha district, Bangladesh. Motijheel is a lake of Gobindoganj, Bangladesh. This lake situated at the side of Gobindoganj Upazilla office. It's very attractive. This lake managed by Upazilla Administration. It's used for fisheries. Upazilla Administration provide yearly lease for this lake. 
The following video is the lake-enjoy it! VIDEO LINK.

Sarobor, Gobindoganj

Sarobor, Gobindoganj, Bangladesh

Sarobor is a big Pond which is situated at Gobindoganj, Gaibandha, Bangladesh. Ancient King digged the pond. It's a very nice place. Also it is near by Gobindoganj Degree College. Till many people visit this place everyday. After kingship it had been sold to the public and now they used it for Fisheries.
Google map location link of Sorobor: LINK.
Watch the video of Sorobor here:

Gobindoganj Upazilla

Gobindoganj is a Upazilla of Bangladesh. Gobindoganj under Gaibandha District & Rangpur Division of bangladesh.
Gobindoganj is northern part of Bangladesh. Gobindoganj is formed with 17 Union Parishad. Gobindoganj is also Municipality.
Area of Gobindoganj is 185.97 square mile. The more about Gobindoganj then you can visit Wikipedia Link.
Also you can visit Bangladesh Government Official web site for Gobindoganj information VISIT LINK.